I’m currently studying beauty at university, and I’ve been given an impossible task. Well, the entire class has been given an impossible task. It’s actually our biggest assignment yet, which is pretty intimidating. Each of us needs to write an essay linking beauty to a completely random topic, decided by drawing a piece of paper out of a hat. It seems that all of the topics are extremely difficult, but I think mine may be the worst.
After class yesterday, we all went to a bar to discuss the assignment, and let me tell you, some of these topics are ridiculous. Jim needs to write an essay about beauty and football. Sammy needs to write one about beauty and Space Battles. Rene needs to write an essay about beauty and cars. What did I get? I need to write an essay about beauty and commercial tinting. I can’t think of a single thing connecting those two topics. Why did our tutor even think to put commercial tinting into the hat? That’s so weird.
I’ve been searching high and low for inspiration, but it’s just not coming to me. What do beauty and tinting have in common? The best I can come up with is that both hide something. People use makeup to cover their true face and make it more appealing, and people use tinting to hide the inside of their office. But even that feels like a massive stretch. Maybe I need to call someone who does office glass tinting in the Melbourne area. Would they have any ideas?
If you were expecting this blog post to end with me coming up with the solution to my predicament, I’m afraid we’re both out of luck. I’m finishing my blog post right now and I have not been struck with inspiration whatsoever.
Huh. I was hoping that would work, and that I’d get an idea by the time I finished the post. Oh well, I guess I’m writing an essay about how the only thing that unites tinting and beauty is that nothing unites them.