Designing Selfie Apps

web design courses based in MelbourneSo, a girl posted something in an online forum about a selfie camera that ALWAYS takes good shots. Sounds impossible, right? Not so, because I’m going to swing into the rescue, or whatever you call it when you tackle an impossible task. I mean, it’s probably going to be fine.

Thing is, I never did an app design course. I did WEB design. The only similarities between an app design course and a web design course, Melbourne institute of learning aside? Well, they both use computers, and they both need a certain amount of creativity, but that’s where the similarities end. In fact, we even had a sort of rivalry going between the folks in the web course and those in the app development course. I guess there wasn’t as much respect for each other’s craft as you might think.

But I thought I’d give this one a go anyway, making me a class traitor, but I don’t care! I’ll bridge this silly gap and design an app that makes us all look wonderful in our selfies. I even have the perfect name for it already: Self-Squee. No, wait…’Perfie’. No, hang on…maybe ‘Stun-fie.’ No, that’s terrible. I’ll nail the perfect name, but in the meantime, this will be the most challenging app ever designed, and by someone who’s new to the field. It’ll be a great addition to my autobiography someday, how I overcame this trial and brought beauty to the world, but field trials aren’t currently going all that well. For one thing, all my stock palettes got wiped out by that big technology crash a few days ago, so I’m starting my template from scratch. How do app templates even work, anyway?

I think what we need is filters. Oh, not NORMAL filters. The most amazing, transformative filters you’ve ever seen. You could wake up in the morning and snap a picture without even looking and these filters will make you look stunning. Ultra-power filters! So now all I need is an actual app design course, Melbourne has plenty of great ones. Maybe a touch of actual sorcery might help because this task is going to be difficult . Sigh…
