Culture and Conveyancers

conveyancingMan, Japan makes the BEST stuff. I wish I lived there. In fact, I wish I was Japanese, because their culture is so wise. They’re so serious and austere, but their art shows that they can embrace their silly side. Take the enormously popular Tamago Sentai! series, wherein a group of teenagers are called upon to become superheroes and educate the world about the dangers of cholesterol through the power of spandex and posing.

My personal favourite is also their most daring series ever, Dai-Konbeyansa Sentai!, where they followed a bunch of superheroes plunging into the depths of financial matters and seeking out the best way to get someone an awesome conveyancing deal, just like all these conveyancing solicitors in and around Melbourne who do the same thing, except not on TV. What I really liked about the series was that they never stuck around the claim any of the praise. They would find an office that was struggling, give peop
le an amazing conveyancing experience and then just vanish. They were famous, of course, but in a quieter way. Well, as quiet as it gets when they morph into colourful costumes and gain the awesome powers of knowing all about land sale acts and the best types of stationary. I liked the yellow ranger the best…she had the power of the stapler. And every now and then (every episode) the team would discover that the evil forces of the Unscrupulous Estate Agent Across the Road was trying to ruin a conveyancing deal with their wicked ways, and they’d have to jump inside their Conveyancing-Robo-Fighters to combat the threat. They took soliciting very seriously, obviously, totally.

Yeah, kind of a shame that the series was totally panned. People just can’t accept the mundane things in life on TV, can they? Ah well…it’s still my favourite. And I learned so much about property law! That’s why I could afford a place in Brighton, since the conveyancers helped me out. I knew what they did and exactly how to use them. All because of one awesome, obscure Japanese show…