My very own carport design

The weather here in Tamworth is usually rather lovely. I remember our visit down to Melbourne one Christmas to visit my wife’s family, and right in the middle of summer, it actually hailed. All the car windshields got smashed. I was gobsmacked. But of course the Melbourne folk were like, “typical” and shrugged it off. […]

The Horses Need A Barn

When we originally moved to New South Wales I promised my daughter a horse. She wasn’t too happy about the move and the horse was a big part of the negotiation so pretty much as soon as we arrived we were looking at equestrian centres and horse barns around Tamworth. I figured it was the […]

Packaging my gobstoppers

Starting your own business is not easy. I came up with a delicious idea for a breakfast cereal bar, which became so popular that I’m now trying to manufacture it and distribute it on a huge scale. I need to source a food packaging company because we can no longer simply shove them into paper […]

Improved evidence bags

Our police station is in one of the more challenging towns in Victoria. We’re right near the power station, the air hums with promise, the houses are cheap, and we attract the toughest members of society here. We had to start thinking of ways to improve that. One thing we did was bring in security bags. […]

Designing Selfie Apps

So, a girl posted something in an online forum about a selfie camera that ALWAYS takes good shots. Sounds impossible, right? Not so, because I’m going to swing into the rescue, or whatever you call it when you tackle an impossible task. I mean, it’s probably going to be fine. Thing is, I never did […]

Culture and Conveyancers

Man, Japan makes the BEST stuff. I wish I lived there. In fact, I wish I was Japanese, because their culture is so wise. They’re so serious and austere, but their art shows that they can embrace their silly side. Take the enormously popular Tamago Sentai! series, wherein a group of teenagers are called upon to […]

Small Horse Party

What happened to the good old days when kids picked a fad, stayed with it for maybe a year and then moved on? My son has been obsessed with My Small Horse for a good few years now, and there’s no sign that he’s getting tired of it, despite all my best efforts. Call me […]